Bank Details Bank: Cashplus. Acc Name: Global Aid Trust Limited. Sort Code: 08-71-99. Acc Number: 06735003.
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Global Aid Trust

Custom Donation

Donation Total: £10.00

Bank Details Bank: Cashplus. Acc Name: Global Aid Trust Limited. Sort Code: 08-71-99. Acc Number: 06735003.
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How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the 'Donate Now' button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

Global Aid Trust

Custom Donation

Donation Total: £10.00

The Messenger ﷺ of Allah (SWT) said, ‘Whoever removes a worldly hardship from a believer, Allah will remove one of the hardships of the Day of Resurrection from him.’ (Bukhari)

Cataracts are the number one cause of blindness in Bangladesh

Cataracts are a tremendous health concern in Bangladesh, and the high rate of occurrence is among the leading contributors to blindness. However, despite the significant challenges that result from this problem, we recognize the importance of taking action and ensuring access to the most advanced treatments.

According to the National Eye Care Survey conducted in Bangladesh in 2015-2016, the prevalence of cataract among people aged 40 years and above was found to be 3.58%. This means that around 3.5% of the population in this age group suffer from cataracts in their eyes.

Thanks to the latest technological advancements in the healthcare industry, cataracts can be effectively treated with remarkable ease. One particular treatment, called phacoemulsification, is a minimally invasive procedure that enables patients to receive treatment and recuperate at home on the same day.

Let's work together and give someone the gift of sight

Despite these advances, however, many individuals in Bangladesh still lack access to this life-altering procedure. In response to this pressing need, at Global Aid Trust we have made it our mission to work tirelessly to bring vital healthcare services to communities throughout the country, providing much-needed relief to countless individuals.

The prevalence of cataract was higher among females (4.16%) than males (2.91%). Moreover, the prevalence of cataract was found to increase with age, with the highest prevalence (14.16%) found among people aged 80 years and above.

By working together and offering top-quality eye care as a fundamental human right, we can collectively strive to ensure a healthier, brighter future for all.​

Calculate how much would you like to doante

Give someone Gift of Sight for only £60

Sponsor diagnosis & spectacles, £30

Eye cataract surgery, £60

Diagnosis, Medicine & Cataract Surgery, £90

Sponsor a full eye camp for £2000, 1 share is £100

Shares of eye camp cost you want to sponsor

£ 0


Sponsor diagnosis & spectacles for 1 person for £30

Initial diagnosis and a pair of spectacles provided.

Sponsor eye cataract surgery for 1 person for £60

Phacoemulsification is used removes a cloudy lens from the eye by using sound waves to break it into small pieces.

Sponsor diagnosis, medicine & cataract surgery for 1 person for £90

In addition to diagnosis and surgery, medicine is provided

Sponsor a full eye camp for £2000


Eye camp is held in remote areas where we take the healthcae to patients who otherwise cannot access it


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How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the 'Donate Now' button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

Global Aid Trust

Gift of Sight

Donation Total: £30.00

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